Pregnancy update – 22 weeks

February 8, 2009 at 4:03 pm (Baby)

Soooo, I can honestly say that I LOVE being pregnant. If it weren’t for the minor back pain and the twice daily injections (damn blood-clotting disorder), I could stay pregnant forever! I feel great, I’m sleeping well, I love feeling FBB kick and move around (some kicks have been strong enough for David to feel now too!). I am a sacred vessel. Knowing and feeling that FBB is in there is really amazing, comforting, and empowering. Of course I’m also excited for him to come out, but I feel very complete with him in there.

14 weeks                                                             22 weeks
Jil 14 weeks preggers5
My cravings have definitely subsided. While I still like beef, and am turned-off by chicken – the life-or-death need to eat beef is mostly gone. At my last check-up, I found out that I had gained 6 pounds during the previous month (doc said that it is normal to have gained a lot in that month because there was so much development…but still!). That was the month that I ate at least one hearty-beefy meal every day! So, it is a good thing that those cravings have settled down. Now I’m focusing on eating tons of fruits and veggies and drinking lots of water. Except for the Paris trip (come on, I couldn’t skip out on sweets on vacay), I’m trying to avoid sweets and soda, since FBB can now taste what I’m eating and he can possibly develop a liking to what I consume. He is now bigger than a coconut, can suck his thumb, and has developed most major organs and systems – he mostly just needs to grow. Grow baby, grow!

I’m about to start working on his room. I have a painter coming next week and need to start ordering furniture. Can you believe there is not a single children/baby furniture store in all of Boulder? And there are only an unimpressive few in Denver – I guess the only options are online/catalog furniture stores, or am I missing something?

I have had to give up tennis 😦 It was just too much impact on my joints with all my softened cartilage and tendons. So, I’m sticking to my routine of doggie walks and small hikes, personal trainer sessions, and prenatal yoga. Hopefully that will keep me from becoming a beached whale in the next few months!

David has been really cute about FBB lately. How lucky am I to already know that he is a great dad? Marrying a man with kids does have it’s perks, I suppose! He has also been really supportive and a great comfort when I have my crazy preggo mood swings and crying outbursts. And the babymoon trip to Paris earned him some major daddy-points too!

Now that we are certain that FB is a boy, we are working on baby names. If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment. We could use some help!

8 weeks                               16 weeks                             20 weeks

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So, that is the latest on me and FBB!

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